Anonymous Cinematic cliches! If you count the most repeated word in the history of cinema reviews it would probably be the word 'cliche'. The one word which kills all the hard work and brain storming effort of the writer ruthlessly, to utter disregard. Definition - A cliché or cliche (pronounced klē-ˈshā) is a saying, expression, idea, or element of an artistic work which has been overused to the point of losing its original meaning or effect, rendering it a stereotype, especially when at some earlier time it was considered meaningful or novel. Just a thread to list down the various cinematic cliches u remember. . Some egs of the cliched cliches - The brilliant twist which u cud see from a country mile, the typical hero savin heroine from the villains, the very carefully kept suspense which u were seeing for the umpteenth time, the lost and found series, the fight btw the hero & heroine b4 they fall in luv, the ever so caring hero cornered and evryone turnin agai...