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Blogging from Malayalam Movie community

Dear Friends,
First of all, a word of thanks to all of you for making Malayalam Movie Community (nicknamed MMC) in orkut a wonderful place to be..
The community changed a lot from the start.. Lot of things happening now in the community

Just thought of starting a blog based on that and putting few reviews from the community.
Let's stay focussed

You can reach MMC via twitter also in @mmcorkut

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ഓണത്തിന് താരയുദ്ധം! Onam Releases 2011

Anonymous ഓണത്തിന് താരയുദ്ധം! Onam Releases as of now --------------------------------- 1. PRANAYAM Script & Direction - Blessy Cast - Mohanlal,Anupum Kher,Jaya Prada,Anoop Menon etc etc 2. THE KING & THE COMMISSIONER Script - Renji Panicker Direction - Shaji Kailas Cast - Mammootty, Sureshgopi, Samvritha Sunil 3. Mr. Marumakan Script - UK SKT Direction - Sandhya MOhan Cast - Dileep, Sanusha, Bhagyaraj, Khushbu, Sheela 4. Thajabhai & Family Script & Direction - Deepu Karunakaran Cast - Prithviraj, Akhila Sasidharan,  Shakeela 5. Ulakam Chuttum Valibhan Script - Krishna Poojapura Direction - Raj Babu Cast - Jayaram, Biju Menon, Vandhana Poll - ?cmm=2952336&pct=1308271254&pid=93618473 0 Jun 17 Anonymous wow...  Jun 17 Anonymous onam release CASANOVAYO , PRANAY

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