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Malayalam cinema online

Malayalam cinema online  (Sorry guys, we don't promote any illegal or pirate links)

Malayalam movies online - Now all movies are easy to find especially via google video. An excellent timepass for people who want to view movies in parts for small breaks.

A complete review of new malayalam movies as well as the old ones.. Malayalam cinema online .. We have a new plan to make few malayalam classic movies online.. how it will look like once its made now?


a Film by MMC.. !!!

Just imagine we are going to make a film..
Our film... which will be your part... ?


Ningal okke sammathichal njan HERO aakam !


i will play the audience part....


kollam....great idea....
cinemaye kurichu samsarikkan othu koodiya nammal orumichoru cinemayedummunnu....(atleast oru short film)

nammukku puthiya charuthram undakkam...
njan ready..!


I will write the review.. 


my dear friends..

u can tell jokes hear..

But this is is not a joke thread..
post something serious too... 

I can do script or whatever you tells me.. I am ready to do anything..


Thirakkatha veno thirakkatha


i wish to be a part of crew... Assisting in film making behind the scene.


I am of course willing to help.. But don't know how.. No experience in anything..

But can do online promotion for the movie..
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