രണ്ടാമൂഴം സിനിമയാക്കുന്നു!
എം ടി വാസുദേവൻ നായർ എന്ന എഴുത്തുകാരനെ മലയാളികൾ എത്രത്തോളം ഉയരത്തിലാണോ പ്രതിഷ്ഠിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നത്, അതിലും ഒരുപടി മുകളിൽ നിൽക്കുന്ന കൃതിയാണ് അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെ രണ്ടാമൂഴം. മഹാഭാരതകഥയിലേക്ക് ഭീമന്റെ കണ്ണിലൂടെ നോക്കുന്ന ഈ കൃതി സിനിമയാവുകയാണ്. ഹരിഹരനാണ് സംവിധാനം.
എന്നാൽ രണ്ടാമൂഴം ഒരു മലയാള സിനിമ മാത്രമായിരിക്കില്ല. ഇന്ത്യയിലെ എല്ലാ പ്രധാനഭാഷകളിലും ഇംഗ്ലീഷിലും സിനിമ റിലീസ് ചെയ്യും. നടീനടന്മാരും വിവിധ ഇന്ത്യൻ ഭാഷകളിൽ നിന്നുള്ളവരാകും. 1984-ൽ പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിച്ച ഈ നോവൽ വിവിധ ഭാഷകളിലേക്ക് വിവർത്തനം ചെയ്തിട്ടുണ്ട്. കൂടാതെ ഇതിവൃത്തം മഹാഭാരതവും. അതിനാൽ മലയാളികൾക്കു മാത്രമല്ല മറ്റു ഭാഷക്കാർക്കും ഈ സിനിമ ആസ്വദിക്കാനാകും എന്നാണ് കണക്കുകൂട്ടൽ.
1979-ൽ ഇടവഴിയിലെ പൂച്ച മിണ്ടാപ്പൂച്ച എന്ന ചിത്രത്തിലൂടെയാണ് എം ടി- ഹരിഹരൻ ടീം ആദ്യമായി ഒന്നിക്കുന്നത്. പിന്നീട് വളർത്തുമൃഗങ്ങൾ (1981), വെള്ളം ( 1984), പഞ്ചാഗ്നി ( 1986), നഖക്ഷതങ്ങൾ (1986), അമൃതംഗമയ (1987), ആരണ്യകം (1988), ഒരു വടക്കൻ വീരഗാഥ (1989), പരിണയം( 1994), എന്നു സ്വന്തം ജാനകിക്കുട്ടി( 1998) 2009-ൽ പഴശ്ശിരാജയും.
ചിത്രത്തിന്റെ പണികൾ തുടങ്ങിക്കഴിഞ്ഞു. പ്രേക്ഷകർക്കു മുമ്പിൽ ഇനി അവശേഷിക്കുന്നത് ഒരു പ്രധാന ചോദ്യമാണ്- ആരായിരിക്കും ഭീമൻ? പിന്നെ കുന്തി, ദ്രൗപദി, അർജുനൻ, ദുര്യോധനൻ….. അങ്ങനെ ഒട്ടേറെ കഥാപാത്രങ്ങൾ. ഇവരെ അഭ്രപാളിയിലെത്തിക്കാൻ ആർക്കൊക്കെയാകും ഭാഗ്യം ലഭിക്കുക?
എന്നാൽ രണ്ടാമൂഴം ഒരു മലയാള സിനിമ മാത്രമായിരിക്കില്ല. ഇന്ത്യയിലെ എല്ലാ പ്രധാനഭാഷകളിലും ഇംഗ്ലീഷിലും സിനിമ റിലീസ് ചെയ്യും. നടീനടന്മാരും വിവിധ ഇന്ത്യൻ ഭാഷകളിൽ നിന്നുള്ളവരാകും. 1984-ൽ പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിച്ച ഈ നോവൽ വിവിധ ഭാഷകളിലേക്ക് വിവർത്തനം ചെയ്തിട്ടുണ്ട്. കൂടാതെ ഇതിവൃത്തം മഹാഭാരതവും. അതിനാൽ മലയാളികൾക്കു മാത്രമല്ല മറ്റു ഭാഷക്കാർക്കും ഈ സിനിമ ആസ്വദിക്കാനാകും എന്നാണ് കണക്കുകൂട്ടൽ.
1979-ൽ ഇടവഴിയിലെ പൂച്ച മിണ്ടാപ്പൂച്ച എന്ന ചിത്രത്തിലൂടെയാണ് എം ടി- ഹരിഹരൻ ടീം ആദ്യമായി ഒന്നിക്കുന്നത്. പിന്നീട് വളർത്തുമൃഗങ്ങൾ (1981), വെള്ളം ( 1984), പഞ്ചാഗ്നി ( 1986), നഖക്ഷതങ്ങൾ (1986), അമൃതംഗമയ (1987), ആരണ്യകം (1988), ഒരു വടക്കൻ വീരഗാഥ (1989), പരിണയം( 1994), എന്നു സ്വന്തം ജാനകിക്കുട്ടി( 1998) 2009-ൽ പഴശ്ശിരാജയും.
ചിത്രത്തിന്റെ പണികൾ തുടങ്ങിക്കഴിഞ്ഞു. പ്രേക്ഷകർക്കു മുമ്പിൽ ഇനി അവശേഷിക്കുന്നത് ഒരു പ്രധാന ചോദ്യമാണ്- ആരായിരിക്കും ഭീമൻ? പിന്നെ കുന്തി, ദ്രൗപദി, അർജുനൻ, ദുര്യോധനൻ….. അങ്ങനെ ഒട്ടേറെ കഥാപാത്രങ്ങൾ. ഇവരെ അഭ്രപാളിയിലെത്തിക്കാൻ ആർക്കൊക്കെയാകും ഭാഗ്യം ലഭിക്കുക?
Apr 29 (7 days ago)
Apr 29 (7 days ago)
ഭീമൻ ആയി അഭിനയിക്കൻ പറ്റിയ നടൻ ഉണ്ടു, പക്ഷേ പറഞ്ഞാൽ അടി ആകും.
Apr 29 (7 days ago)
മോഹന്ലാലിനെ അല്ലെ ഉദ്ദേശിച്ചേ? ശരിയാണ് രണ്ടാമൂഴതിലെ ഭീമന്റെ ശരീര പ്രകൃതിയാണ് മോഹന്ലാലിനു
Apr 29 (7 days ago)
‘Randamoozham' to make its screen debut
Bheema is all set for a new act. Nearly three decades after M.T. Vasudevan Nair's masterpiece novel ‘Randamoozham' (Second Turn), floored Malayalis, the Pandava warrior from the Mahabharata is eyeing the big screen.
M.T.'s celebrated novel is going to be made into a film by Hariharan. M.T. is working on the script, even as Hariharan is doing his own homework for what is perhaps the most ambitious project of the writer-director duo in their association of over 30 years.
Making history
Their last joint effort had resulted in ‘Pazhassi Raja,' the historical that made history in Malayalam cinema. It had lived up to the huge expectations the duo had generated as they were teaming up 18 years after the iconic ‘Oru Vadakkan Veeragatha.'
“After ‘Pazhassi Raja,' I felt ‘Randamoozham' was the obvious – if not the only – choice I had. I needed something that would challenge me further as a director. And ‘Randamoozham,' a brilliant novel that gave a whole new perspective to the Mahabharata, is the ultimate challenge for any director. M.T. felt I could take up that challenge and we have been working on the project for the past few days here in Kozhikode,” Hariharan told Friday Review in an exclusive interview.
The veteran director knows that the expectations would be even greater than ‘Pazhassi Raja' because ‘Randamoozham' is regarded as one of the finest novels ever in Malayalam and has been translated to several languages, including English. The novel narrates the story of the Mahabharata from the perspective of Bheema, the second of Pandu's five sons.
Hariharan is excited at the prospect of giving shape to M.T.'s Bheema, Draupadi, Kunti, Arjuna, Karna and others. Leading stars from different Indian languages will play them on screen. ‘Randamoozham' will just not be a Malayalam film, says the director.
M.T.'s celebrated novel is going to be made into a film by Hariharan. M.T. is working on the script, even as Hariharan is doing his own homework for what is perhaps the most ambitious project of the writer-director duo in their association of over 30 years.
Making history
Their last joint effort had resulted in ‘Pazhassi Raja,' the historical that made history in Malayalam cinema. It had lived up to the huge expectations the duo had generated as they were teaming up 18 years after the iconic ‘Oru Vadakkan Veeragatha.'
“After ‘Pazhassi Raja,' I felt ‘Randamoozham' was the obvious – if not the only – choice I had. I needed something that would challenge me further as a director. And ‘Randamoozham,' a brilliant novel that gave a whole new perspective to the Mahabharata, is the ultimate challenge for any director. M.T. felt I could take up that challenge and we have been working on the project for the past few days here in Kozhikode,” Hariharan told Friday Review in an exclusive interview.
The veteran director knows that the expectations would be even greater than ‘Pazhassi Raja' because ‘Randamoozham' is regarded as one of the finest novels ever in Malayalam and has been translated to several languages, including English. The novel narrates the story of the Mahabharata from the perspective of Bheema, the second of Pandu's five sons.
Hariharan is excited at the prospect of giving shape to M.T.'s Bheema, Draupadi, Kunti, Arjuna, Karna and others. Leading stars from different Indian languages will play them on screen. ‘Randamoozham' will just not be a Malayalam film, says the director.
Apr 29 (7 days ago)
Multilingual film
“It will be released in all the major Indian languages as well as in English, for the novel has its admirers in several languages besides Malayalam, through its translations,” says Hariharan.
Whenever Hariharan and M.T. have put their heads together, there has been magic on the screen, right from ‘Idavazhiyile Poocha Minda Poocha' (1979), their first film together. Remarkably, they never repeated themselves in any of their projects. Most of the M.T.-Hariharan works would find a place among the finest films in Indian cinema's history. Now the big question is: who will play Bheema? Watch this space. es/2011042951140100.htm
“It will be released in all the major Indian languages as well as in English, for the novel has its admirers in several languages besides Malayalam, through its translations,” says Hariharan.
Whenever Hariharan and M.T. have put their heads together, there has been magic on the screen, right from ‘Idavazhiyile Poocha Minda Poocha' (1979), their first film together. Remarkably, they never repeated themselves in any of their projects. Most of the M.T.-Hariharan works would find a place among the finest films in Indian cinema's history. Now the big question is: who will play Bheema? Watch this space.
Apr 29 (7 days ago)
BHEEMANE avatharippikuka orupaadu risk ulla pani aanu.......orupaadu fights ondu.....aa fights okke MT describe cheythirikkunathu marma yudhathinteyum, malla yudhathinteyum niyamangalilum murakalilum aanu....athu pole sexinu importance koduthitondu.......enikku ettavum ishtapetta bhaagam ending aanu.....mahaa parvathinu poya pandavar ororutharum veenu kidanna droupathiye mari kadannu poyittum lakshyam marannu thirinju ninna mahaa balan bheeman.....swargaarohanam marannu kaatileyku thirinju ninna bheemasenan......i m excited like anytng..............
Apr 29 (7 days ago)
bheeman- (i forgot his name...oru kaataalane koode tholpikkum....later bheema's son khadolkajan wil kill him)
then fight wit almost 100 kouravas in battle field...
a fight during "ajnaatha vaasam" to bring back cattles
bheemanu kuthirayekaal vegam ondu......jayadrathane kuthirakalekkaal vegathil odi ayaalude radhathine marikadannu keezhpeduthunna rangam ondu.....
arakillam kathicha shesham durghadavum chenkuthum aaya vazhiyil ammayeyum jeshdaneyum tholilum, 2 aniyanmaare thante shareerathil thoongi kidakkaanum anuvadhichu kayari varunna scene ondu................its challenging....challenging like hell..............
garbhiniyaaya hidimbiye upekshichu pokendi varunna bheeman....aadya iiraye veezhithi kazhiyumbol vrikodaraa enna vili kettu thala thaazhthendi varunna bheeman.....ennum kootathil "mandhan" ennu vili kettu nadakkendi vannavan......droupathiyude "randamoozha"kaaran....
thante karabalathil ammayeyum sahodaranmaareyum droupathiyeyum kaattinullil kaathu sookshichavan.......bheemasenan
its challenging......challengin...challengin
Apr 29 (7 days ago)
@ yuvi...
superb...'m also exited after reading ur words about bheema senan...thank u
superb...'m also exited after reading ur words about bheema senan...thank u
Apr 29 (7 days ago)
lalettan thane avanam bheeman 
war scence ozhichu baaki elaam hariharan direct cheythal mathiyarnnu...
Apr 29 (7 days ago)
wow...thats news...this is my all time fav malayalam book
it it cannot be transformed as a complete visual experience i am afraid..
randamoozham is just a has so many interpretations,explanatory notes..i just can't describe the depth of it...
i think they will take a part of the novel and make it as a film
the main attraction of the book is the way bheemasena evaluates and thinks different situations.........whenever i read this book i feel really proud of being a keralite as i enjoy o great work in a language which is so sweet and unique,,,M T the genius
glad to see that this book is being notified by many who are not really keen to follow malayalam literature...please try to read this book,,u won't be disappointed at any cost..
it it cannot be transformed as a complete visual experience i am afraid..
randamoozham is just a has so many interpretations,explanatory notes..i just can't describe the depth of it...
i think they will take a part of the novel and make it as a film
the main attraction of the book is the way bheemasena evaluates and thinks different situations.........whenever i read this book i feel really proud of being a keralite as i enjoy o great work in a language which is so sweet and unique,,,M T the genius
glad to see that this book is being notified by many who are not really keen to follow malayalam literature...please try to read this book,,u won't be disappointed at any cost..
Apr 29 (7 days ago)
Randamoozham is my favourite book in malayalam....
Hariharan - not the very best person in the business to direct it...
Hariharan - not the very best person in the business to direct it...
Apr 29 (7 days ago)
can't believe Randamoozham can be a single movie.. I feel it should be made like LoTR triology.. 
ente favorite malayalam novelsil onnanu randamoozham.. MT engane ath oru 3hr movie (length ethra varum ennariyilla, oru uddesham paranjathanu) akki churukkum ennanu kanendath..
pinne oru Indian cinema ayath kond, Bheemante vesham malayalathinu purathulla arelum cheyyunnathavum nallath.. randamoozhathile bheemante role cheyyan physically oru malayala nadanum industryil thalkalam illa
ente favorite malayalam novelsil onnanu randamoozham.. MT engane ath oru 3hr movie (length ethra varum ennariyilla, oru uddesham paranjathanu) akki churukkum ennanu kanendath..
pinne oru Indian cinema ayath kond, Bheemante vesham malayalathinu purathulla arelum cheyyunnathavum nallath.. randamoozhathile bheemante role cheyyan physically oru malayala nadanum industryil thalkalam illa
Apr 29 (7 days ago)
I prefer VIKRAM......
Apr 29 (7 days ago)
@ fans of randamoozham
Karnan ennoru book vayichitundo? ee rand books aduthaduth vayichal oru prethyeka feel kittum.. paranjariyikan patatha feel.. same situations, different view points..
ethayalum ee rand book-um vayichitullath kondavum, mahabharathathile ente least favorite character aanu Arjunan..
Karnan ennoru book vayichitundo? ee rand books aduthaduth vayichal oru prethyeka feel kittum.. paranjariyikan patatha feel.. same situations, different view points..
ethayalum ee rand book-um vayichitullath kondavum, mahabharathathile ente least favorite character aanu Arjunan..
Apr 29 (7 days ago)
hey vikram onnum sari aakilla..
what about kamal??i can only think of him ..otherwise mohanlal might be suitable
what about kamal??i can only think of him ..otherwise mohanlal might be suitable
Apr 29 (7 days ago)
Karnan oru Marathi translation alle ? Sivaji Sawanth-inte ?
Njaan vaayichittundu - Nalla Book aanu.
RANDAMOOZHAM is a classic.
It will be very difficult to convert it into a film.
A huge cast is required, plus making all the sets.
Njaan vaayichittundu - Nalla Book aanu.
RANDAMOOZHAM is a classic.
It will be very difficult to convert it into a film.
A huge cast is required, plus making all the sets.
Apr 29 (7 days ago)
ethayalum ee rand book-um vayichitullath kondavum, mahabharathathile ente least favorite character aanu Arjunan.. //
same pinch here balu..njan friendsinodu eppolum adi koodarundarunnu ithu paranju
arjunan is overrated!!
ekalavyan,karnan okke arjunanekkal talented aarunnu...pakshe enthu cheyyan...
karnante kavachakundalangal chathiyiloode aruthu maattappettu
ekalavyante peruviral gurudakshinayaayi yukthikku nirakkatha reethiyil murichu maattappettu...
yudhishtiranum arjunanum aanu mikkavarudeyum heroes
pakse ente fav bheeman aanu
yudhishtirante choothukali bharanthu aanu ellam thaarumaarakkunnathu...satyasandhanaayir unnal mathram mathiyo
..common sense vende..
bheeman rocks
same pinch here balu..njan friendsinodu eppolum adi koodarundarunnu ithu paranju
arjunan is overrated!!
ekalavyan,karnan okke arjunanekkal talented aarunnu...pakshe enthu cheyyan...
karnante kavachakundalangal chathiyiloode aruthu maattappettu
ekalavyante peruviral gurudakshinayaayi yukthikku nirakkatha reethiyil murichu maattappettu...
yudhishtiranum arjunanum aanu mikkavarudeyum heroes
pakse ente fav bheeman aanu
yudhishtirante choothukali bharanthu aanu ellam thaarumaarakkunnathu...satyasandhanaayir
bheeman rocks
Apr 29 (7 days ago)
Even I like Kamal,Lal and Ikka ....I dont want to see any of these legends as Bheeman...Kurachu yuvathwam ulla , yudha rangangalil nannayi perform cheyyan patunna ,oppam nalla acting skillum chernna oraal aayirikanam bheeman....
ithellam cherthu nokumbol VIKRAM allathe vere aarum manasil varunnilla....
ithellam cherthu nokumbol VIKRAM allathe vere aarum manasil varunnilla....
athupole kuttikrishnamararude "bharatha paryadanam " enna oru pustakam undu..
randamoozhathil bheemante anglelillodde aanu kadha parayunnathenkil bharathaparyadanathil athu karnante view points aanu
randamoozham pole thanne touching aanu athu
pandu njan 9 am classil padikkumbol malayalathil athile oru bhagam padikkan undarunnu...kavachakundalangal kavarnnedukkunna aa bhaagam
randamoozhathil bheemante anglelillodde aanu kadha parayunnathenkil bharathaparyadanathil athu karnante view points aanu
randamoozham pole thanne touching aanu athu
pandu njan 9 am classil padikkumbol malayalathil athile oru bhagam padikkan undarunnu...kavachakundalangal kavarnnedukkunna aa bhaagam
Apr 29 (7 days ago)
Randamoozham is an all time classic...
have read atleast 5 times... (still counting)
have always fantazised of it being a movie...
Randamoozham vaayicchu kazhinjal Krishananodu oru avaknja okke thonnum...
Novel angane thanne cinema aakkan pattum ennu njan viswasikkunnila (any novel for that matter), karanam novelinu ulla aa freedom, cinemakku illa....
Randamoozham is complex, Bheemante thought proccessiloode aanu a novel kooduthal samayavum kadannu pokunnathu - athu visualise cheyyuka sramakaram aayirikkum...
Aathmagathangal allenkil oru strong narrative structure vendi varum....
waiting eagerly for a classic....
have read atleast 5 times... (still counting)
have always fantazised of it being a movie...
Randamoozham vaayicchu kazhinjal Krishananodu oru avaknja okke thonnum...
Novel angane thanne cinema aakkan pattum ennu njan viswasikkunnila (any novel for that matter), karanam novelinu ulla aa freedom, cinemakku illa....
Randamoozham is complex, Bheemante thought proccessiloode aanu a novel kooduthal samayavum kadannu pokunnathu - athu visualise cheyyuka sramakaram aayirikkum...
Aathmagathangal allenkil oru strong narrative structure vendi varum....
waiting eagerly for a classic....
Apr 29 (7 days ago)
//arjunan is overrated!!// +1111111 
salim kumarinte bhashayil paranjal "jada thendi!"
Pandavaril Bheeman thanne best.. oru samshayavumilla. draupathiye yudhishtirante mandatharathinu nanam keduthiyapol ella pandavarum manukonanjanmarayi ninnu.. bheeman mathramanu reat cheythath.. draupatiye etavum snehicha pavam.. enik draupatiyem vallya ishtamala..
karnane apamanichu adyam.. bheemane mind cheythilla.. avalk kittendath kitti..
Btw, Mahabharathathil ente favorite Karnan thanne.. superb character..
salim kumarinte bhashayil paranjal "jada thendi!"
Pandavaril Bheeman thanne best.. oru samshayavumilla. draupathiye yudhishtirante mandatharathinu nanam keduthiyapol ella pandavarum manukonanjanmarayi ninnu.. bheeman mathramanu reat cheythath.. draupatiye etavum snehicha pavam.. enik draupatiyem vallya ishtamala..
karnane apamanichu adyam.. bheemane mind cheythilla.. avalk kittendath kitti..
Btw, Mahabharathathil ente favorite Karnan thanne.. superb character..
Apr 29 (7 days ago)
padam borayippokane chace ullo..[dont blame me please am not being pessimistic..]
but considering the greatness of this book i can't see it becoming a success[not might be a bo hit,,but i am thinking in terms of art value]
hope for the best..
btw "bharathaparyadanam vaayichal ningal die hard karnan fans aakum
though you are not reading freaks please try to read books like randamoozham,bharathaparyadanam etc...i am feeling sorry for those who haven't read these great works
but considering the greatness of this book i can't see it becoming a success[not might be a bo hit,,but i am thinking in terms of art value]
hope for the best..
btw "bharathaparyadanam vaayichal ningal die hard karnan fans aakum
though you are not reading freaks please try to read books like randamoozham,bharathaparyadanam etc...i am feeling sorry for those who haven't read these great works
Apr 29 (7 days ago)
Njan vaayichitullathil vechu ettavum mikacha malayalam book ithu thanne.. Enthu kondaanu ithu cinemayaakkathathu ennu anne thoniyirunnu.. But onnu chinthichu nokiyaal athinulla utharavum kittum.. Its going to be a really difficult story to write as a script..
But as it is from M.T., I believe its going to be great..
But as it is from M.T., I believe its going to be great..
Apr 29 (7 days ago)
ഇത് സിനിമയാക്കിയാല് അത് നോവെലിനോട് നീതിപുലര്തുമോ ?
Apr 29 (7 days ago)
wow...happy to know this..tough ask though
Apr 29 (7 days ago)
Those who have not read randamoozham pleas read it its an experienceof a life time...BTW Bheeman rocks....
Apr 29 (7 days ago)
great news.ithu nadannu kittiyal mathiyaayirunnu.chavaru malayalam films kandu maduthu.ippozhathe avasthayil m.t sirinte scriptil oru cinema marubhumiyil oru jalashayam kandathinu thulyam aanu.athum ithu pole oru classic novel.
Apr 29 (7 days ago)
arjunan is always overrated.......actually yudham jayikkunnathu khadolkajan(bheeman's son) aanu.......coz arjunane kollaan karnan maatti vecha velu(one time usable) nivarthiyillaathe khadolkajanu nere upayogikkendi varum karnanu........athu krishnante budhi aanu.....
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